Breakthrough Research
Research Breakthrough: FrienshipCube (22bit Visual Binary Code)
We are also building software for the Semantic Web (web3.0) ......hoping to help people come together with one semantic web code, and thereby achieve, communicate, and learn easier. Twitter applications, facebook friendship applications, and new browsers that transform international webpages into one singular, easily readable, worldwide code "visual binary". Our new browser can take pages from any country in any language, and translate into one Semantic Web Code.
Friendship Cube Applications:
|| "Breakthrough ideas are inherently social creations that come about after a period of maturation within the collective womb. Each of us is a pattern within a larger social meta-pattern. We each have our own unique vantage point from where we view our world. Here we acknowledge that our imaginations are co-entangled... and this results in the building of friendships. Our Friendship Cube Group spreads awareness of our way of thinking, (visual binary) ...building our cognitive ant-hill... steadily breaking down barriers between our minds and thereby building a more perfect union." **Graeme Kilshaw
Our Friendship Cube Group is currently researching the possibilities for human-human and human-machine interaction. The majority of research is performed with Emotiv EPOC EEG hardware and our friendship cube software.
We are also building software for the Semantic Web (web3.0) ......hoping to help people come together with one semantic web code, and thereby achieve, communicate, and learn easier. Twitter applications, facebook friendship applications, and new browsers that transform international webpages into one singular, easily readable, worldwide code "visual binary". Our new browser can take pages from any country in any language, and translate into one Semantic Web Code.
Friendship Cube Applications:
- Smart-device touchscreen interface / "Quick-Texting Keyboard"
- Emotiv EEG virtual cube software for hands-free typing
- Webcam games that teach visual tracking and hand-eye coordination via pattern recognition
- Personal, educational graphic user interface games with a web-cam necklace pointed at the cube in hand
- Interactive multi-player online games that teach communication, navigation, memory, strategy, and teamwork
- Teaching tool (physical) -teach literacy & numeracy via fun group competitions
- Communication in code via digital linguistics - seeing thought as algorithms
- Twitter Apps for Semantic Web3.0 code
- Facebook Apps for Semantic Web3.0 code
- International translation browser for the semantic web
Education Applications:
- help children connect with the world-wide web and be literate with computer technology
- Build intelligence and encourage creativity in grade school students
- Build problem-solving skills and mental ability
- Build friendships and people skills for learning and sharing together
- A tool for unique self-expression, that helps to build confidence in youth
- A tool for teaching in competitive game-play
- A mental challenge to learn something new, keeping us active
- Make new close friends and bring people together..... a fun social ice-breaker
Our Friendship Cube Group is currently researching the possibilities for human-human and human-machine interaction. The majority of research is performed with Emotiv EPOC EEG hardware and our friendship cube software.